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How to work on your goals with limitations- Delusion vs Reality

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Welcome back to the blog! ❤️

The last couple of months have been a very interesting shift for me as I underwent many emotional and physical changes in my life, especially with how 2025 looks like it's not getting any better with the different changes occurring. However, one thing that stayed consistent with all the changes was my sense of realization and being realistic. 

For those who don’t know, on

“Realistic - willing to see things as they are and deal with them sensibly. 

 We have previous blog articles about the aspect of imagination and living In the sense of “delusion” to achieve the goals and dream life you see for yourself. There's nothing wrong with having that aspect of imagination because sometimes that's needed to build yourself up to pursue those dreams. However, some people fail to remember that you must be realistic with your current circumstances when creating these goals. For example,  you're unhappy with your current job and know that you can expand much further than your current position. Going to this job every day makes you physically and emotionally unsatisfied. One of your goals is to leave that job, but from a realistic standpoint, you know that the job market is not the best to quit randomly. You know you have financial obligations that you need to prioritize and take care of, so quitting would not benefit you financially, even though that will be emotionally and physically good for you. You also know unemployment will lead to more stressors than the job itself. These are the moments where you have to sit with yourself and self-reflect on fulfilling that goal without harming yourself in the present moment. Maybe one of those steps can be going online and applying for other jobs in that desired career path that you want to pursue. Another step can be attending networking events designated for that particular career path. The idea of being delusional when it comes to manifesting your goals is encouraged to help build your confidence To believe that whatever you put your mind to is yours automatically; however, you still should be in touch with what's currently going on in your reality and not be utterly oblivious to what's right in front of you presently. 

I genuinely commend those people who can go on the internet and share their stories about how they felt like they should be an influencer, so they packed up all their belongings and moved across the country, and now they're the most famous person in the world. Although it can happen, let's be realistic. It is a one out of 100,000 chance that that can occur. So something that people fail to bring up when they tell these stories is the amount of planning and steps they took beforehand. Many times, that “big jump” for us was years of work for that person. Social media dramatically influences delusion related to specific goals and dreams. People online tend to share only the good sides of their accomplishments. Because they only shared a good side of these accomplishments, which can lead to a sense of delusion for regular people like myself to believe that if they follow the same steps as ( name of random popular famous person), people can also follow the same footsteps to accomplish the same life that famous person is living now.  That's why many people quickly abandon specific goals they set for themselves. This is due to people trying to follow other people's footsteps when they don't even know all the steps they took. Although I might have some goals to expand my voice on this platform to a larger audience, I also have to be realistic about what I have in my present moment.  I can't attend every event I want throughout the week because I have a regular job. So, despite trying to improve my social media presence regarding this blog, I have limited freedom compared to my peers, who might have more freedom to post content consistently. So, having that knowledge of my limitations but still having the delusion of knowing that this will blow up more than I can imagine. I can easily set realistic steps for me to accomplish the goal that I still have but still fulfill the duties that I need to do in my daily life.  This can mean me attending networking events with other influencers to get insight into building a platform. This also can look like setting particular days designated only for my content. This way, I'm still working on fulfilling my goal but still obeying other obligations outside of the blog. 

The main gist of it is consistency and realization. Regardless of the steps that you're taking to fulfill a set goal, it might be considered small to you, but it is a step closer to you filling it. I want you always to remember that when it comes to your goals, it is not a race. The finish line will always be there regardless of whether you run to it or walk there. It's the same with going back to school. Some people hesitate to go back to school because of their age. “I'm too old..” and “It’s too late to go back now,” but people fail to realize that they will not put your age on your degree. They're just going to put the year you graduate; you still have the degree, regardless of whether you're 18 or 46. 

So, just because it seems far-fetched right now or you tried multiple times in the past to do it, if it's something that you want to accomplish, take the steps forward, even if it's baby steps to start getting more comfortable with making the necessary steps to get closer and closer to your dream life and your goals.

Until then, keep sparkling! XOXO 💋✨




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