Welcome back, Girlies! ✨
It's almost summertime, and I know you are about to be outside! But understand that when you become more active and social this season, practice setting and staying firm with your boundaries. We hear this word often, especially over the past five years, but do you know your boundaries? Do you find yourself saying yes to things even though you know deep down inside that you are uncomfortable doing it? Well, you, sweetheart, need some assistance understanding your boundaries and how to stand on them.
First, let's start with what is the definition of Boundary from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
"Boundary - Something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent."
A boundary is understanding and informing other parties about issues/conversations you are eager to engage with and others in your "no zone." People go through different life experiences and traumas that affect their feelings about specific actions and subjects. You and your friend can always talk about each other's families, but maybe a family conflict occurred over the weekend, which caused them to set a personal boundary with you, which makes the topic of "family" off-limits. Or maybe for friends, they can borrow personal belongings of yours, but you wouldn't do that to your family. Everybody's boundaries are different or can change due to the connection you and the outside party have or any life experience that reshapes what you like and dislike.
Let's break down the different types of boundaries and some statements that connect with enforcing that type of personal boundary.

We had to break down the different types of boundaries and their examples. It's time to understand how to find that sweet spot when standing firm on your boundaries.

It is essential to ensure a healthy balance when setting boundaries. You don't want to be too lenient when people take you for granted and hurt you, and you don't want to be too strict and close yourself off to new opportunities and connections. Take a moment to sit and reflect on the things you like and dislike and see how your closest connections around you respect these preferences. If you notice that these people do not respect these personal boundaries, inform them about how you feel about your preferences; if a person genuinely cares and respects you, they will understand and respect the personal boundaries. Setting boundaries is NOT meant to break a connection but to strengthen the bond you two share. Either your boss or your childhood friend, if someone makes you uncomfortable or misunderstood, speak up and trust, and you will indeed see who is meant to stay in your life or who you are meant to keep at a distance.
Till next time